We, people in the Asia-Pacific region, strongly oppose the reinforcement of the U.S. military presence that has rapidly grown region-wide and consolidation of U.S.-Japanese and other U.S.-led military alliance.
Last January 2012, the U.S. Obama administration announced its ‘rebalancing’ strategy toward the Asia-Pacific region. Under the new military strategy that focus the containment and restraint against China, the U.S. imperialism has reinforced its military deployment in the region massively and further intensified the military alliance with its allied countries such as Japan, South Korea, Philippine and Australia. It has become main factor that rise military tension in the region. We fight together against such moves that confront peace in the region.
In fact, the construction and consolidation of U.S. bases and the reinforcement of U.S. military deployment are rapidly promoted in the region. The U.S. intend to construct new U.S. base in Okinawa; build new Korean naval base in Jeju Island and expand/consolidate U.S. base in Pyeongtaek of South Korea, consolidate its military bases in mainland of Japan such as Iwakuni and Kanagawa; further reinforce the continuous presence in Philippines; start to deploy the U.S. marines in Australia; and expand its military base in Guam massively. Joint military exercises also increase in different area. These maneuvers are going on along with massive oppressions and human right violations against resisting people, getting the support from anti-people governments in respective countries. We regard the struggle against such maneuvers as our common agenda and organize joint struggle in solidarity with struggling people in different countries.
At the same time, we condemn that the U.S. and Japanese imperialism justify the consolidation of U.S.-Japanese military alliance and the reinforcement of U.S. military presence in Asia-Pacific. Military tension over Diao-Yu Islands is rising now. Japanese and the U.S. imperialism should stop their propagated actions that rise military tension immediately. Japanese government should show its sincere reflection on past Japan’ invasive war and colonization on Asia It should withdraw the claim of its territorial rights over Diao-Yu Islands and Dokt Island that Japan seized one-sidedly in the process toward colonization and of invasive war and colonization on Asia and stop its maneuvers toward intensifying of U.S. military alliance and Japan’s own military building-up. These are the way to stop the development of military tension into actual military conflict. We fight long with this way.
We also recognize that both of the reconciliation and reunification of cross-straight between mainland China and Taiwan and the realization of independent and peaceful reunification of Korean Peninsula have significant importance for building of lasting peace in the region, and oppose U.S.-Japanese imperialists’ intervention against them. From this viewpoint, we condemn U.S.’s continuous selling of armament to Taiwan government, and express our solidarity to people in Taiwan who protest it. At the same time, we oppose the sanctions and the war plot of the U.S. and Japanese imperialists against North Korea.
U.S. and Japanese imperialist maneuvers in order to strengthen their regional hegemony, however, does never go straight as they planned. People’s resistance has grown, and imperialist ambition has been dashed day by day. We, people in the Asia-Pacific region, determine here to further intensify our common struggle against the reinforcement of U.S. military presence and U.S- led military alliance. No to U.S.-Japanese military alliance! All U.S. troops, out of Asia-Pacific!
March 3, 2013
at Taipei-City
AWC-Japan, AWC Korea Committee, Bagong Alyansang Makabayan(New Patriotic Alliance-Philippine), ANSWER Coalition- US, China-Taiwan Labor Rights Association